"What is a Taken In Hand relationship?
A Taken In Hand relationship is a fully-committed wholehearted sexually-exclusive marriage in which the husband wears the trousers and is firmly and actively in charge (to his wife's delight!)—and he puts his wife and their relationship first. Putting her and the relationship first is the key to creating a marriage in which the man is in control in a good, healthy and sustainable way.
Taken In Hand is neither all about the man, as in some D/s relationships in which the man has control, nor is it all about the woman, as in some DD relationships—it is for both. Neither spouse is a self-absorbed narcissist.
The wives in Taken In Hand relationships tend not to claim to be submissive (though their husbands may well consider them to be so) but they do strongly prefer not to be the one in charge in their relationship, and they do respect, honour and appreciate their husbands and strive to please them.
The husbands in Taken In Hand relationships tend not to claim to be dominant (though their wives may well consider them to be so) but they do strongly prefer to be the one wearing the trousers in their marriage, and they do enjoy dominating and submitting their wife when necessary to maintain their position—and indeed for the pure fun of it.
Taken In Hand relationships are not about the wife gritting her teeth and suffering while she dutifully serves and obeys, and nor are they about the husband shouldering a horrible burden he would much rather not have. That all sounds very unpleasant to us. Taken In Hand is about using the power of a white-hot sexual connection to create a rock-solid permanent marital bond. It is intended to be fun and sexy, not a duty or a burden. If you don't find the idea of Taken In Hand exciting or at least strangely attractive, it is not for you. Taken In Hand is not compulsory!"
Citat från: www.takeninhand.com
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