SMil-Norge (or "Sadomasochists in the country of Norway") is a non-commercial, non-political and independent national organization for Sadomasochists and fetishists. SMil-Norge was founded in 1988 and is the largest BDSM organization in Norway. The main objectives of the organization are to spread the gospel of kinky sex, work for acceptance and make social interaction between BDSM/kink/fetish-groups easier.
SMil-Norge is an outwards-reaching organization and arranges information campaigns, attends pride rallies and give lectures all around Norway. SMil-Norway is also publishing the only SM/fetish informative magazine in Norway, called "S&M".
SMil-Norge is also represented in "Revise F65", a group that works to abolish the international and stigmatizing diagnosis of the WHO manual of diseases (§F65 of ICD-10).
SMil-Norge website: |