This is why Im so tired of DS at the moment...
... I mean, I freely admit that some of it's sour grapes because you're all (apparently) getting on with your lives and I'm still stuck in pandemicworld. But other than that, the reason I'm so very very tired of DS at the moment isn't the "Läget" messages, nor the ridiculous screams of "Fegisar!" or the endless threads started by the same few people. It's the feeling that everyone's just shouting into a void, exactly like on any other kind of social media. The thread that finally made me flip was this innocuous item: You might be forgiven for thinking that there's no danger in such a discussion. Unless you're allergic to peanuts, obviously. But the thing that gets me is this – someone asks a question. The third person to answer it gives a really clear, scientifically supported answer that – if you bother to read the linked article – is actually pretty reassuring if you're either allergic yourself or fear causing someone else a serious allergic reaction. And then... everyone else in the discussion ignores that and just slings out whatever their personal feeling on the subject may be. I'm just so fucking tired of this. Many of us point and laugh at Trump voters or anti-vaxxers or Brexiteers or whatever, but are we really any better? All we want to do is propagate our own biases. Clear communication? Nah, I'm too tired, too distracted, didn't read it properly... Personal responsibility? Fuck that, it takes too much effort. I'd rather just get angry and blame other people. Admitting we were wrong about an opinion or belief? I couldn't do that, it'd make me feel less valid as a person. I'll just pretend I didn't notice and maybe they won't either. Negotiating with another person and coming to a consensus? No! I'm right and they're wrong, even if I'm not. And you may think "So what? It's only an irrelevant discussion on DS, there are hundreds of those every day". Which is true. But if we can't communicate, take personal responsibility, admit our mistakes or negotiate a consensus, what the fuck are we doing on a BDSM site at all? |
Tillagd 25 okt 2021 Debattartiklar om sexualitet och identitet
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